CPE (Contrat de Performance Energétique)

The European Directive of 16 December 2002 on the energy performance of buildings defines Energy Performance Contracting (sometimes referred to as EPC) as a "contractual agreement between the beneficiary and the supplier of an energy efficiency improvement measure, whereby investments in that measure are made in order to achieve a contractually agreed level of energy efficiency improvement. The purpose of energy performance contracting is to improve the energy efficiency of the building and to reduce the energy consumption of the building by reducing the energy consumption of the building and to improve the energy efficiency of the building.

Purpose of energy performance contracts:

The state has set itself a target of reducing energy consumption by -38% and greenhouse gas emissions by -50% by 2020 (see Article 5 of the Grenelle 1 law).
Buildings account for approximately 40% of total energy consumption. Their relative weight in the country's energy consumption therefore calls for the mobilisation of specific tools. Energy performance contracts are the most promising.